Thursday, June 12, 2008

Farm Update 6/12

I know I say this at the beginning of just about every update but what a crazy week it has been! 

Patrick and I did our first Farmer's Market on Saturday and it was a blast. We sold some yarn, talked to lots of people about the flock and even got to meet a shareholder. It was just lovely!

 I am really bummed that I will be missing the market this Saturday, but when I left my full-time job, I agreed to stay on temporarily part-time to help out with an event called the Martha's Vineyard Lighthouse Challenge. It takes place over the weekend and I will be so happy when it's over. I've only been spending about 15 hours a week on preparing for it but it has taken up more of my head space than that, if you know what I mean. 

You know that expression "Make hay while the sun shines"? Well on the Vineyard the sun shines from mid-June through September. Most people on the Island make the majority of their annual income during the summer season and everyone is crazy-busy right now. I would like to find someone to help out with the farmer's markets and with shipping the online orders but the job market is really tight right now and even high school kids are making big money this summer. 

On Sunday we moved the mamas and their kids out of the kidding barn just ahead of the heat wave. First we had to move all the rams and bucks to our new farm, Tisbury Meadows. It is a beautiful piece of property and we are so lucky to be able to lease it.

Squall. (The dark stuff on his back is delouser.) Isn't he beautiful? I have such a crush on him!
Buster sampling the flowers.
Martin seemed to like them as well.
The boys.
We had intended to rotationally graze the flock at Tisbury Meadows but after taking a good look at the pasture we have decided that with only 18 animals on 5 acres it is unnecessary. We practice rotational grazing at Felix Neck because it helps improve the pastures and keep parasites down in the flock. Basically, in requires us to move the animals daily to fresh pasture. 

If you are interested in learning more about rotational grazing, I highly recommend Joel Salatin's Salad Bar Beef. Salatin is really responsible for bringing rotational grazing back to American agriculture and we have read everything he's ever written. Polyface Farm, Salatin's farm in Virginia,  has become a mecca for young farmers and Patrick and I are hoping to go down for a visit in July.

Anyway, after we got the boys settled at Tisbury Meadows we moved the babies and mamas over to Felix Neck. It was so exciting to see them out on pasture for the first time! We wormed and deloused them all before moving them, so they look like dirty little things, but they are still adorable.

Bay Leaf and Cumin, my bottle babies.

They are great for my self-esteem because they are always so happy to see me.
I was looking around tonight went I went to feed and I suddenly realized that we had a whole lot of babies this year. 

Ike and Truman are actually younger than our youngest Angora kids but lambs seem to grow up much faster than kids.

Truman is already eating sticks!
Truman follows Ike everywhere.

Ike is positively gigantic.

There is a lot of gamboling going on.

Fettucini and Biscotti look so happy together.

The nanny goats were so happy to get out of the kidding barn and on to the pasture.

In other news, we finally selected a mill to process the Spring '08 fiber. It was much more difficult that I thought it would be and I really appreciate your patience. After bringing the fiber back up from the Hudson Valley and bringing it over on the ferry I boxed it all  up and called around trying to find someone to take it to the mill.

Patrick and I had planned to drive it up, but it took so long to pick a mill that neither of us can take two days off to drive it up right now. But never fear- UPS LTL freight came to the rescue. LTL stands for "less than a truck load." Basically, they are the people you call when you have 400 pounds of wool and mohair to ship across the Canadian border. 

The mill gave me an estimate of 5 to 10 weeks, but I am begging them to put a rush on it. I will keep you all informed, I promise. 

I am getting lots and lots of emails about coming to visit the farm. You are all welcome to visit anytime. I am going to be posting a schedule on the blog and on our farm website tomorrow so you'll know when the farm store is open. If you'd like to see the babies at Felix Neck on your own, the property is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily and there is a $4 admittance fee. All of this money goes to support Felix Neck, an Audabon Animal Sanctuary. Just check in at the visitor's center and the staff will show you where the animals are grazing. 

You can also find me and our yarn at the West Tisbury Farmer's Market every Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon.

Woolies asked me if I could post some pics of my antique toy barn collection. Here are a couple of them. Warning: I am not a serious collector. What I mean is, I love the way the toy barns look and I like putting animals in them, but I don't do research to find out which animals would have come with which barn. In fact, I mix and match.

I love the angora goat in this shot.

I bought this very primitive handmade barn on ebay. All of the animals that came with it were handmade as well. The thing is, the guy who I bought it from said it was his father's and that his grandfather made it. How could anybody ever part with something like that?  I bought it because I could bear to think about it just being thrown away. And I didn't pay much for it at all.
The animals really knock me out. The scale is crazy- the cows are giant but the horse is the same size as the dog.
Mydogpetey asked me about the Osprey pictures on my flickr page. There are a pair of Osprey with a nest at Felix Neck. These shots are of the male. Osprey live on a diet of fish and when I took these picture the female was still sitting on her eggs. (You can see the nest in the background.) They hatched a couple of weeks ago.

I keep hearing on the radio that the highest gas prices in the country are in Stockton California. They are paying $4.30 something a gallon. Apparently Martha's Vineyard isn't part of America. EDITED TO ADD: I am kind of bitter about high gas prices but I didn't mean to sound quite 

And now...[drum roll here] for this week's giveaway. The Manos giveaway was a big hit last week so we are doing it again. This week I am giving away 6 balls of Plymouth Yarn Brushed Baby Alpaca. Each ball is 50 grams/110 yards and the color is a lovely light blue.

All you have to do to be entered in the giveaway is leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you would knit up with this yarn. Simple as that. I will be selecting the winner at random on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. So get to commenting! And tell your friends. As always, you don't have to be a shareholder to win.

My next post will be an FAQ, so shoot any burning questions to me at susangibbs1 at mac dot com.


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kmriley said...

Baby alpaca! Please!

Anonymous said...

I think I would just have to knit a lovely shrug or something soft to drape next to skin. On the other hand if it made it to my house and announced it wanted to be something else, I'd have to go with the yarn's desire...

Anonymous said...

I can see it knit up into a beautiful prayer shawl!

BeccakBecca said...

Ohh, the alpaca is lovely! I would have to investigate a cropped cardigan or shrug pattern if it made its way to my house.

Anonymous said...

Firstly I am grateful for this give-away because I discovered your blog because of it; your farm looks truly amazing. You are living my dream and even seeing the pictures makes my heart swell! I will be visiting your blog regularly now so thank you!

I would knit two things for certain with the yarn; the first would be a cardigan for my new niece Fiona. The second would be a pair of fingerless gloves for myself.

Susan said...

Kathleen H. via email.

Anonymous said...

This is begging me to make it into gloves I can wear when tooling around on my scooter this fall and this winter while I try to save money on gas.

Or an elegant scarf for my SIL for Christmas.

Probably super warm gloves for my scooter...

JenLanger said...

Oooo. That would have to be a sweater for my daughter. Although she might require that I mix it up with some pink cotton, either in stripes or in some design. If there was enough left over for a hat and scarf set (a small mobius/neckwarmer-style scarf) for myself, I would be thrilled.

betshsu said...

Love the photos! I am a project purchaser, and never had a stash until recently (it is a small one at that). And I have found that yarn that I purchased for a particular project has switched projects as it sits. So don't hold me to anything I say, but perhaps a shrug. And for some reason, everything I am knitting right now (whether it is a scarf or stole or tank top) seems to be lace, so probably a lace shrug, ha!

e.marie said...

Great color! I love the blue. I'd have to agree with jenibug, a shrug would be nice.

By the way, fantastic photos!

Katom Burke said...

i will need something for my new baby...due in January! OTKate :)

Anonymous said...

I would make it into a snuggly shawl/scarf for my mother!

Susan said...

Yay Kate! Congratulations. You have a great track record for making beautiful babies.

Kristin said...

Oh your animals are lovely. I wish I lived near a farm like yours. I want to hug your babies so much! The goats I'm acquainted with aren't soft yarn-friendly types, though they are still cute & funny. I want to meet your furry family! Great photos.

Baby Alpaca is one of my favorite yarns ever. If I won, I would make the "Simply Marilyn" sweater (sized down to be more fitted). I'd have to purchase more, of course, but my LYS carries the yarn. It would be the most snuggly, comfy sweater ever, and so warm!

Susan said...


Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog today. I'm not sure what I would make - probably a present for my friend who loves alpaca (scarf, hat).
woolkitty (ravelry)

Diane (& Dave too!) said...

I'll knit something soft soft soft for my hubby........

Who won the Manos and the "frog" yarn?

Susan said...


Diane (& Dave too!) said...

OK, I see who won the Manos.....

Maggie said...

Most likely an airy wrap. I think.

Oh, and while we're not as gross as your prices, I wish ours were back at $4.30 a gallon. I think it was $4.49 this afternoon, and I'm sure it'll be more tomorrow morning!

Gen said...

I would try my first lace project!

doggie mamma said...

oh goodness, I have no idea what I would create ( I never know!) as the yarn would have to tell me what would work best with it's beauty/texture and color, but I bet whatever I make will be warm and yummy! Meanwhile, I just stumbled upon your site from a link from Ravelery and I just want to hug and kiss all your precious babies! The photos are gorgeous and clearly they are a labor of love and so well taken care of! I love it! and what do you mean "shareholder?" do you have many owners of your farm? ok, now I'm completely interested and intrigued and I must now scour your site to learn more ( and of course see more adorable baby pics) as I am hooked!

Amy said...

I loved looking through the pictures of the kids and the lambs, it made me forget that I'm supposed to be clearing out my basement in preparation for the floodwaters! Thanks for the distraction. It brightened my day.

I'd love to knit up a pair of gloves with long, elbow-length cuffs for the winter when we have snowstorms instead of floods!

Anonymous said...

I would probably make a wrap/shawl out of it. So many patterns, and so little time .....

Jean said...

I would use it for charity knitting. Alpaca would help to keep some child in Afghanistan warm.

Unknown said...

I would practice my lace knitting with a lovely wrap!

Susan said...


Susan said...


z's momma said...

Definitely a stole. btw-- yep, that's pretty expensive. I'm in the Bay Area in California and we're only at $4.70.

Anonymous said...

The yarn is so beautiful that I would want to knit something special with it, perhaps a cowl, mits, or lace shawl.

Anonymous said...

Something lacy for that alpaca... a bit of fiber therapy for some one.

Susie-Knit (ravelry)

Anonymous said...

Susan, Thanks so much for mentioning the Osprey. Fantastic photos - and that one with the fish is amazing.

Speaking of amazing photos I LOVE that you can click on yours and download a larger version. I have been adding them to my screensaver at work and at home.

WHO is that gorgeous creature in the close up shot just before Ike and Truman? What a beauty! I want to run my fingers through their locks.

I'm heading up to Eugene, Oregon next week to attend the Black Sheep Gathering and to get in some goat and sheep loving time. I've not been to this festival yet, so I'm very anxious. Have you ever been to this one? Last fall I did go to the Oregon Flock and Fiber in Canby and met such lovely, lovely people.

PS - You don't have to include me in the Alpaca giveaway because I have some in my stash already.

Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Can't resist a challenge ;-) I would knit a Baby Suprise Jacket from Elizabeth Zimmerman from it. My friend is expecting a baby and the baby will be born in december so a warm jacket will be much apreciated :-)

Have a great day and thank you. I loved the pics how happy they are shows!

Anonymous said...

The yarn would be perfect for making myself some "drawing gloves". I need gloves that keep my fingers free but that keeps my body heat from messing with the paper and the charcoal or lead from smuding. The gray would be perfect.

P.S. The babies are so adorable! I love seeing them all happy in the yard.

Anonymous said...

I would love to crochet a beanie and scarf for my daughter to have this winter to remind her of me when it's brrrr cold away at college :) to keep her nice and toasty warm

Anonymous said...

What does 'predator friendly' mean?

Billie said...

Luna Moth shawl or Kiri.

(You have a very beautiful "family"!!)

ms. crafty said...

This yarn really wants to be a warm, snuggly moebius shrug and some wristlets.

P.S. Thanks for the wonderful photo updates. The flock is adorable :-)

Vanessa said...

Great pictures. I'd knit some lace, maybe a shawl or scarf. Or some super warm socks for winter.

ikkinlala said...

I'm not sure exactly what pattern I would make, but it would definitely be a shawl or stole.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to make this short. I got your blog in my google alerts for "toy barns". I have it because of what we
I'm glad I found it. DH would like to start doing Icelandic on our little farm and we have most of Joel's books. REALLY wish we could go to Polyface this year. We'd love to be able to work it with his folks, as they already have beef cattle. We have chickens, but we're missing sheep and rabbits. Do you have all the animals to rotate or just sheep?

Alpaca...I'd learn to knit for that. ;) I have a beginner's project started, but with four kids...finding the time is a problem. Someday!

kelly said...

Thanks for the darling lamb photos -- I can't get enough of their cuteness!

As for the alpaca, I would make a generous sized scarf to wrap myself in. It looks delicious!

Andi said...

Sprout, age 3 1/2, has been begging for a bigger cuddle blanket since her favorite has begun to seem so small. I've been looking at a few patterns on Ravelry but wasn't sure what kind of yarn to use. What better for my baby to cuddle with than baby alpaca? :)

Ginger_nut said...

aww - how cute are those gamboling lambies :)

And just so I'm entered in your comp, I'm thinking that yarn would make a beautiful warm and lacy shrug....

Woolly Stuff said...

I would definitely make it into a shrug for summer evenings!

Beth said...

Hello, if I won, I would make the Blue Jeans Lace Leaf Shawl by Spinndiva. It is a gorgeous pattern. I think this yarn would be perfect for it.

Anonymous said...

I love this update. Those pictures are great! I really can't wait to visit one day. Sorry about the gas. That hurts! Anyway, the yarn is lovely and if I won, I would make either the cat's paw scarf or the flutter scarf.

Anonymous said...

I love the color! I would make something for my friend's new baby.

Sarah T. said...

I have no idea what I'd knit, but it is absolutely lovely yarn. :) My son started crawling this week so mostly I'm "on the run". Maybe I'd knit furniture bumpers? Kiddings... ;)

adele said...

The color is a perfect complement to my daughter's big blueberry blue eyes so it begs to be something for her -- hat and cable scarf perhaps.
But the notion of a lace shawl lingers yet that would not be for her.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo more yarn, you are so good to us!
I would make eitehr some tiype of wrap or shawl or a shrug for my neice.

Tina (tinadp on Ravelry)

Joan said...

I don't know yet, so I looked at the other comments for ideas; but I would definitely use it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it may be enough for a cozy shrug.

Andrea Moberly said...

ooh I've been wanting to make a shawl for some time. I think this would make the perfect yarn choice!

Elsie said...

Great photos! I just LOVE alpaca and I would be very likely to make a sweater for a friend's child. It is all I seem to knit these days!

Lisa (JeepGirl) said...

I have to say, like many others, I am so jealous when I see all the pictures of your farm and the animals.... it looks like Heaven.

I would have to say, I'd knit something dreamy for my baby girl's first birthday in July. It is so hard to believe my little miracle is going to be one already!

deirdre said...

Oy, I've been wondering what the gas prices on the Island were. You know it's one guy who owns all the stations I think. I'm making a note to never bring my car down - it takes premium!

Tara said...

I don't usually knit with Bulky yarn, but as I am a softness junkie, I lurves Alpaca. Hmmm... I think I would probably use this yarn to knit a hat and scarf combo, something that I could wrap myself or a loved one in that would make a cold Canadian winter's day seem almost bearable! Oh, and by the way: your lambs are absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

I would make this lovely yarn into a lovely three corned shawl. I send pics. Thanks for the great photo

Anonymous said...

I would use it for part of the extensive layette I'll be knitting over the coming months for my dearest friend who is pregnant (finally) with TRIPLETS!!!!...needless to say I'll be knitting A LOT.

Thanks for thinking of us!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking shawl of some sort. I love the feel of baby alpaca. And, OMG, your babies are soooo cute. I just wanna squeeze them.

XenaBob on Ravelry

Scribble A Day said...

When you go to Polyface, take lots of pictures, please and post them when you return. I've just finished the book The Omnivore's Dilemma, and loved the section on Joel Salatin and his farm. And his ideas about taking an alternative path. The MVFF co-op is such an elegant example: and shows how much good can come from the internet, in helping small groups come together from all over the world. I never would have found you without the 'net.
Now, for the question part: the little lambs have long tails. The grown up sheep, not so long. At some point, will you have to dock the lambs tails?
And I don't see any coats or jackets on the flock. Are you going to keep some of them jacketed to see if it keeps the fleece cleaner?
And I don't really need anymore yarn, and have no idea what I'm going to knit with most of the stash I already have. I tend to wait for it to tell me what it wants to be. I had some mohair boucle sitting in a Rubbermaid storage tub for many years, until it said " Make me into a mananita" (Meg Swanson pattern). I did. And ended up with a remainder about the size of a golf ball when I finished off the neck i-cord. (Big sigh of relief). Guess the yarn knew it would fit.

Erin said...

Lovely alpaca! I'm completely unoriginal--I'd make a shrug or stole out of it.

Your animals are beautiful!

Jean said...

Ooh, baby alpaca sounds just right for a baby blanket or at least a little kid one. I know several that I could make something for.

Amaranthe said...

I've just recently discovered the softness of alpaca. So, something to be worn.


Sner said...

I would make the new lace stole in the Summer Knitty. I think the alpaca would be beautiful.

katbeauchampster said...

I can feel the soft fibers of the baby alpaca moving over my needles as we speak! I have a great pattern for a swallowtail lace shawl that I have been wanting to knit up for my grandma for a while. It would keep her cozy and warm for sure. Then if I had enough left over I have a wispy wristlet pattern for myself.

I can't wait to come and see your beautiful farm!

Anonymous said...

I would use it to knit that beautiful baby sweater I just saw on Knitty - the pattern is called Helena and it's just darling!

Darja Drakšič said...

Wow, another giveaway!!
Your animals aro sooooooo cute.
I guess that light blue should be perfect for a wrap or shawl - something airy. I'm longing for a oportunity to knit this:
or something else from Mario.
Love, Darja from Maribor, Slovenia

Anonymous said...

I would knit... oh right, I don't knit... BUT I raised a knitter... not that I taught her... Deb, Chappysmom, had to learn it on the street :) So, if I won I would immediately give it to her... and we'd both be appreciative.

Love all the sheep and goat pictures, they are just amazing, as are your pictures.

Joan B (to distinquish myself from the other lovely Joan)

Iron Needles said...

What a great color. 660 yds. Enough to make a wrap, something lacey, I think.


Anonymous said...

I would knit something lovely and lacy for my daughter-in-law.

Anonymous said...

I am a city person, but I have fallen in love with the baby goats and the lambs! Thanks for the wonderful pix Susan. If I win the baby alpaca, I will make a hood to keep me [or some lucky friend] warm this winter. I have a design percolating in my head already.


Rita said...

I keep starting a stole for my mom, and frogging it for a different kind of yarn. I want something soft and timeless, and I think this would fit the bill nicely!

Anonymous said...

I would knit a one of thos cape/shawl/sweater combo things (the big rectangle with sleeves) for my mom to wear when she travels to see us when we move overseas next year. She always complains about being cold on airplanes and the blue reminds me of her eyes.


i would make it into a gift for a shawl knitting fool friend who never has enough wool! well, i would have to cause i don't knit well enough for this yarn!

Laura said...

Thank you for providing so many pictures and information about the flock! It always provides an entertaining read! If I won the yarn, I'd likely make a shawl of some sort!

FruitfulSpirit said...

I h ave a new grand baby due in December and this would be so perfect to knit him/her up a baby ensemble for a gift to the mommy! A baby Kimono with some cute under pants to match and maybe a tiny hat since it will be winter time!

Writer Bug said...

OMG. Those photos of the animals are the best yet. I was laughing out loud looking at them. So darn cute!!

If I were to win the yarn, I would make a hoodie scarf for myself. I already started one with the intention of making it for me, but now I think I'll give it to my mother in law, who is one of the last people in my life who I haven't knit anything for, and who would appreciate a hand-knit item enough to make it worth the effort!

Anna Dorothy said...

I would definitely knit my first lacy shawl! I love shawls and have been waiting to find the perfect yarn to knit one with!

sparkli said...

wow, this is one of the best blog entries i have read in a while! and your pictures are fantastic, i love all those little babies!

if i won that yarn, i would make myself a scarf and hat set, probably. it's so beautiful and baby alpaca is just so lucious! thank you!

rainberry said...

Your lambs are really cute and that baby alpaca is very pretty!

Anonymous said...

I am just getting into knitting lace. I would knit a lovely shawl from the Victorian Lace today book.


lavendar said...

I love those pictures of your flock! No wonder you are giving away yarn with those lovelies around!

I'd probably knit a lacy wrap or shawl ... or maybe a sweater/sweaterlet ... I am a sucker for those little shrug/cropped sweaters ... But maybe I'd have to wait and let the yarn tell me what it wants to be ... a lacey vest? is that what it wants to be?

Unknown said...

What lovely yarn!!! It looks perfect to try lace for the first time. Maybe a branching leaves scarf? If there's enough I'd make cabled wrist warmers to match.

Katrina said...

I found your blog via your last giveaway that you posted on Ravelry and have been intrigued by your farm ever since. I absolutely adore the pictures - especially of Cumin and Bay Leaf running toward you. You are definitely living a dream come true - I wish I lived close enough by so that I could volunteer to help at your farmer's markets and with the animals.

I would love to enter this contest - that yarn is definitely beautiful. I am pregnant, and thus am anticipating that my sweaters will not be fitting this winter. I'm dreaming of knitting up a beautiful shawl or shrug to keep me warm this winter during my third trimester and after I give birth. And with whatever is leftover, I would love to knit a matching something up for the baby-to-be!

Natalie J said...

Wow - so many wonderful pictures of your farm. As a photographer, I wish I had such wonderful subject matter around me to take pictures of. =)

As for the baby alpaca, my first nephew is due to be born this September, and I would make him a matching hat, mittens and sweater set to keep him warm. I've already been dubbed "his crafty aunt" and I'm proud of it!

Zoe said...

I am currently knitting a friend a scarf in some baby alpaca...and I think I would knit one for myself if I were to win. (I'm now dreaming up stitch patterns.....)


Anonymous said...

What a super-cool way to live! Great photos of your animals and surroundings.
I would give the yarn to my 12yo daughter who has a booth at the "Peoples' Market" in Salt Lake City. She is knitting and crocheting items to sell at the market to raise money for her dream of being an Olympic ski-racer. She is a great athlete, but it takes more than desire and talent to make it to that level, so she is doing what she can to raise money for her equipment, training, and travel. Thanks for considering us!

Anonymous said...

Oh! A beautiful hat and scarf set for my sister would be a great birthday present!


Nancy said...

I love your blog! I think I'd have to knit a sweater for my new grand-niece with that lovely blue alpaca.

Anonymous said...

What wonderfully cute critters!!!

If I had baby alpaca at my disposal, I would probably start another clapotis. I'm half way through my first one and finding that it is such a fun knit. And the thought of being wrapped up in baby alpaca is almost too much to handle.

florapie said...

The pictures of your happy animals totally made my day, and were a great mini escape from my desk! I think I'll bookmark them and check back whenever I need a pick-me-up :)

As for the alpaca, it would either become a blanket for my coworker's fall baby boy, or a delicious wrap for me

helenlam said...

Lamb pictures how exciting! Thanks also for the contest...I'm completely unoriginal and would make a wrap out of it. Baby alpaca is so soft and it would definitely be nice again the skin

A said...

I will definitely use the yarn to make the Ribbed Lace Bolero (can be found on Ravelry). No reason not to wear this close to your skin!

Tami said...

I think I would make a lace & cable vest. The yarn is beautiful and think it would work up nicely.

Anonymous said...

I think I would knit a lovely pullover or a few pairs of mittens.

Cupcake said...

I would knit something close to the skin perhaps a cowl, maybe Ice Queen from Knitty.

Anonymous said...

So many great pictures!

Man I wish I lived closer to you or could steal away for the summer, I would SO apply for work.

Baby alpaca! I would likely knit a scarf or gloves. ;)

erin is nice said...

i know about 10 people having babies right now, and i would knit each of them a pair of fuzzy baby booties.

MJC said...

I would really like to knit a little victorian coat for my 8 week old niece for the fall. She would look just absolutely adorable - and what is more fun than making something for someone you love!

Beth said...

I would make a gorgeous shawl/wrap :-)

Beehave said...

Hmm, If you were to gift me that lovely yarn I think that I would give lace knitting another try. I am expecting a little girl this fall and could imagine a cozy wrap for nursing time.

Quirkles said...

Amazing pictures again, Susan. And I also would volunteer to help with the farmers market if I lived down there. I'm definitely thinking of a Sheep Camp weekend sometime this summer. I'll have to see what weekends you have available. And I'll help all I can while I'm there.
I've gotten some great ideas from everyone's comments, and I think I would either make Clapotis or my first cable or lace project. The yarn is so pretty!
Hope you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Love the photos, the lambs are just gorgeous and look like they are so happy and loved.
Your post makes me happy that our gas is only $4.19 right now.
I would have to knit a moebius for my sister who hates the cold and rain, but lives in a very cold and rainy place. The color would set off her "husky" eyes. Husky as in the dogs :-)

Anonymous said...

your animals are sooo cute, especially the babies, i wish i had enough land for sheep or goats.

If i were to win the yarn i'd knit something for my mum, as baby alpaca is her favourite, probably a lacy shawl of some kind

Anonymous said...

If I were to win, I'd knit a shawl or wrap for my grandmother. She recently moved to an assisted living facility and is always feeling chilly. She has limited space, but an airy shawl would be a beautiful decoration - on and off Gran. :)

Anonymous said...

First off, love the sheep pictures! The lambs are so cute and they just look so happy! It put a smile on my face to see them frolicking around the farm!

Second: I would probably make a hat/mitt/scarf/slippers/whatever else I could get out of it set! I live in Indiana and have to walk to most of my classes in the winter so anything warm is nice! And I've heard that alpaca is VERY warm!

jennyheard said...

I love your blog, your farm, your yarn. I wish I could come visit. I haven't been to MV in 30 years.
I'd make kata scarves wiht the beautiful alpaca.

Trish said...

I just love watching the young ones frolick! So cute!!!

If I win the yarn, I will make a cowl to keep my neck warm in the winter. I have a pattern that's been waiting for this yarn! ;-)

Anonymous said...

How do you remember all the names? Thank you for the wonderful set of pics. I look at them every day on my screen saver.
Alpaca is warm, so I would make a shawl/lap robe for those cold winter nights.

caracolina said...

My first thought is to make a cowl or shawl that can sit around my neck and face because this yarn is so soft and snuggly. But on the other hand, I might buy some more yarn in a different color and use it for a cardigan or a hoodie like the Lil Red Riding Hoodie from the Domiknitrix....

Anonymous said...

Your pictures of the sheep are wonderful and the Osprey pictures are amazing! I so enjoyed seeing your blog.

For the Yarn, I am just entering the world of lace so I would probably use it for a wonderful lace shawl or wrap.

Thanks for brightening my day!

Jess P. said...

Yikes, I think I'm number 110. I would love to make a vintage cape from Yarn Garage.

Fernanda said...

This yarn would be beautiful as anything. I'd probably go with a stole/shawl but may get ambitious with a sweater. What a great giveaway!

pikkle said...

Hmmm...well, I haven't been knitting very long, but one thing I have absolutely fallen in love with is baby alpaca yarn. I know a good yarn when I see/touch/hear of one! (I may be a bit of a yarn snob.)

I have so many projects fluttering about in my head - first I would have to touch the yarn to decide exclusively on which project...but what projects spring to mind are: a hat/fingerless glove (with mitten flap)/thin scarf combo for my mom; a shawl of sorts (TBA); arm warmers; small blanket for my friend's soon-to-be baby...

Oh! And I love Buster! He's my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd make a hat w/ matching mittens for my 4 y.o. daughter, Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Oh my ... all those cute, happy little ones! So far as I'm concerned, you simply cannot have too many pictures of these guys and gals.

Fromagette said...

Depending on the color, I would make a hooded poncho for my little girl (the one I made her is getting stretched out because she is too big for it) or something for the little boy that will be a part of our family sometime in October. Or a post-pregnancy sweater for me. Or a sweater for my favorite and only sister. Or a vest for my hubby. Or....

Kristen said...

I love the photos of all the lambs! They are SOOO cute.
And if I were to win the lovely yarn it would likely become a shawl. I just want to reach into my computer screen and touch it!

Anonymous said...

I've never tried knitting with alpaca before; it looks gorgeous! I think with something that beautiful, I'd make a ribbed Möbius strip wrap. It appeals to my inner nerd.

norichan said...

Definitely a lace shawl. :o)

Elena said...

I think I'd knit a shawl or something light weight like that. Awesome pictures of all the babies in the pasture!

Ed and Kelly said...

I definitely think that it would have to be a baby sweater if it came to live with me.....

Love the pics :)

Anonymous said...

Your yarn is lovely and so are your kids! It is plain to see that you are totally infatuated with them all. If I won any yarn, I would consider that it is necessary to "pay it forward" so therefore I would make a prayer shawl for my favorite charity.

Unknown said...

I'd knit a blanket for me and my kitties...or a shrug, or...who knows :)

Chloe said...

It would be perfect for a Juliet cardigan:

Pick me, please!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to knit a shrug or scarf.

Just Me said...

If I won the baby alpaca, I would knit a "hug" sweater for my daughter in college and probably one for myself, too, since I am always cold. Also, if I win, I will be out of town until late July so don't worry if I don't respond right away...I won't have internet access, but my hubby might check my email. Thanks for another great giveaway.


Josette said...

it's begging to be my shawl.

However, I thank you for the osprey pics. I just won a 'debate' with the OH over what three birds we saw flying toward the river the other day!

Anonymous said...

A baby sweater would be nice.

Anonymous said...

I forgot my name anonymous is Cindy W.

Anonymous said...

I think Knitty's Juno Regina Stole would look beautiful in that yarn. I would probably make it for Christmas for my grandmother.

Perry said...

A shrug would be lovely in this color... especially with a blush pink shirt under.

Whitney said...

I love the lambs, especially the shaggy ones :) I would probably make a scarf, because that's the only thing I know how to knit.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to knit a loose knit t tunic out of it...something to throw on in the morning when I have early morning errands to dress up my scrubby pjs.

anne said...

I love the photos, especially Martin nibbling the flowers! Thank you for posting so many pictures. I'd love to make a soft scarf from that lovely yarn.


Anonymous said...

I would knit a lovely shawl/shrug to wrap myself up in warm, cuddly alpaca goodness.

larndt at ravelry

Anonymous said...

Living in Northern Michigan, long winters call for snuggly hats and mittens to brave the elements. That's what I would do with that scrumptious yarn.
Your animals were a joy to behold. Thank you for sharing the photos.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful yarn... I'd probably use it to make my grandmother a little lacy shawl, she's always chilly and baby alpaca is alway so soft and gentle feeling, it's lovely.

neonwildflower on Ravelry

polinium said...

I would make a Stolen Moments Wrap for my mother. She bought me some of the handpainted baby alpaca yarn from plymouth and I'm making one for myself. My mother deserves some alpaca love too.

moosmutzel said...

I am just on the lookout for some nice yarn to knit my first shawl - that would be the perfect yarn and even the color is exactly what I wanted.

moosmutzel on Ravelry

Jessica said...

oooh... baby alpaca....

I believe 6 skeins of this lovely yarn would be just enough for a hat and sweater for my baby, and a hat and small scarf for me... because I'm a dork and like the idea of us matching. She'll probably hate me when she gets old enough to pick out her own clothes.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, baby alpaca ... a Prickle for me, and one for my sister!

MamaKnits2Much said...

I love your goats and sheep! What beautiful animals. And the angoras look totally luscious! LOL
As for the baby alpaca... I would have to knit something for myself! I am totally greedy I know, but this is my favorite yarn in the world and I have spent the last two months knitting up Christmas/birthday presents for other people...

Zarya Bintz said...

Well Emilyza needs a new sweater! So I of course being the faboulous mother that I am will make her one with this yarn. Thanks Susan for the photo's! My whole family sits around the computer and enjoys them!

SPalmerston said...

This would be a beautiful shawl to keep me warm in winter. It looks gorgeous! And if there is any left, a toque for my grandfather, who will be 80 next week, because he likes to sit outside late at night, smoking cigars and staring at the stars.

Anonymous said...

That lovely yarn looks like it should be wristwarmers and a nexkwarmer set!

Anonymous said...

Both your pictures and the yarn are lovely.

I would use the yarn to make a shawl for my mother who is 85 years old. She is in a NYC hospital right now and is having open heart surgery on Monday. It would be perfect for her to wear while recovering.

Anonymous said...

Both your pictures and the yarn are lovely.

I would use the yarn to make a shawl for my mother who is 85 years old. She is in a NYC hospital right now and is having open heart surgery on Monday. It would be perfect for her to wear while recovering.

Forgot to add that I am Carolre in Ravelry

Cindy said...

I would make something for my niece that was born prematurely on June 6th. She and her twin brother were due 8/22. He unfortunately died after 4 days. She however, is doing really well. Off the respirator and drinking some milk from the bottle. She will be in the NICU unit for a few months so something that I could give her that would be soft and cuddly will really help to celebrate her strength.

Rebecca said...

Oh such lovely babies you have! I just want to cuddle up to them!

As for the alpaca, definitely something light and lacy for my hubby's grandmother. She's in a nursing home and has had more strokes than we can count, but the doll still won't be seen without lipstick on! I can't imagine a more perfect color either!

Sandra said...

What gorgeous animals! I love the way little lambs look like they're smiling.

As for the lovely baby alpaca, I would definitely turn it into a shawl, perhaps the Seascape shawl from the new Knitty even!

soknitpicky said...

I think a shawl :-)

Eenae said...

I would make a nice hat and some mittens. :) With energy prices being what they are I think I'm going to need some warm things this winter to avoid using the furnace as long as possible. Your sheep and kids are beautiful! I'm so glad you led me to your blog through Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Oh your photos brought the biggest grin to my face! I clicked over from Ravelry, and am very glad that I did. Gamboling lambs are one of the best sights in the world.

All this talk of baby alpacas is making me wonder, if I try really really hard, would I be able to knit my own baby alpaca from your yarn? I think it's worth a shot....

Marlitharn said...

I would knit a baby blanket for my best friend's brand spanking new baby! They're fostering, with the goal of adopting - the little one was born Wednesday, my friend got the call that she needed a home on Thursday, and they brought her home yesterday. So the poor little thing is suffering a severe shortage of handmade baby things, because no one knew she was coming!

(Your babies are really cute, btw - although my friend's new baby might be cuter!)

iamtheinfidel said...

I'd love to win this and knit up a cozy lapghan for a dear friend who was diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer and has been through radiation and chemo and is about to undergo intense chemo treatments. From what I've read, she may become anemic and feel especially cold in summer air conditioning! I've already sent some cotton and silk chemo caps but I've never worked with alpaca or baby alpaca before, so it would be something extra special!

Anonymous said...

I think I need a baby alpaca cardi. Yes indeed!
Are those the Osprey that are tagged and followed south?

Anonymous said...

I would love some mittens made out of this, and perhaps a little cardi for my daughter...

Nancy said...

I would make a beautiful scarf for my daughter in Worcester to keep her warm next winter.

mjm knitting said...

i would knit a candle flame shawl.

thanks so much for this yarn giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so very much for all the wonderful pictures!

I would knit something for my mom, a shoulder wrap probably, something soft and light but warm. I think she would like that!

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Ooh that pale blue is my favorite color. I think I would make a hat, scarf, mitten set all for myself. Maybe not a hat maybe a headband.hmmm.
Gas was 4.67 in West tisbury yesterday. I felt like it was such a bargain. Jim's in Oak bluffs being 4.75.and you missed Mrs. Sherman's first strawberries of the season at the farmer's market. I made a lovely batch of jam yesterday.

Kristy (kannna on ravelry)

Unknown said...

Dear Susan,

I'm trying to get into more charity knitting - I'm still not to good with gauge and haven't attempted fitted clothing for myself. I have made prayer shawls for an aunt, and friends and lots of scarves. I'm trying to transistion to baby hats and sweaters for charity - lots of need in the colder climes and something new to learn. Also, gauge not so critical. So, I'd probably try to make a warm baby outfit from the alpaca.

Regarding gasoline $$, we just returned from Vancouver Island and it was $1.39/liter there so at .26 gal/liter that makes it $5.30/gal - even higher than MV. We in the US are definitely going to have to learn to use less, which is a real challenge for those in farming.
Thanks for all the great giveaways and pics of the babies.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE baby alpaca and will knit another moebius capelet from Cat Bhordi's book. See my first one on Ravelry:

Hobbygåsa said...

Oh the yarn looks lovely! If I win I will knit a great pullover for myself. Greetings from Norway.

Unknown said...

Oh, a shawl absolutely! I love Plymouth Baby Alpaca!!

k. casey said...

Pretty yarn, yay! I will knit Kate Gilbert's Pea pod Baby Set for a best girlfriend's first baby. I have loved that pattern and been waiting for a good reason to make it. I have just finally adjusted to my friends getting married and I am so excited, but Good Lord she's having a little boy! I thought we all had a few more years before we started having our babies!

Unknown said...

Sweet babies! They look like fun!

I would knit my goddaughter a dress since her favorite color is blue.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just moved out last month and has asked me to knit her something to keep her warm in her new apartment.

I want to knit her a shawl or a throw or maybe a small afghan. That way when she wraps up in it she is keeping warm and has a piece of mom at the same time!

lehuadesigns from ravelry

Unknown said...

Oh, that yarn just looks SO heavenly, and your angora kids are just absolutely adorable. I can't wait until we have our angoras this Fall, and then have kids next spring!! There fleece is so incredible...

Well, I have a feeling that I have no chance of winning the beautiful yarn, but I'll give it a shot anyway =) I would give a shot at knitting my first lace shawl, or crochet a super cute shrug...

And did I mention your kids are SO adorable? VERY adorable? I love them =)

Have a good evening,
I'm crochetcollection on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan,
I would make something for my friend who's expecting her 3rd child and suspects it's a boy. Maybe a blanket or cute sweater......something cozy for a September baby.
Love the recent pics!
Thanks, Jen
aka....ayearandaday on Ravelry

Infinitespirals said...

I would knit myself an airy scarf in an open feather work pattern!!!

Amy said...

I would def make some sort of wrap. I'm wanting to make the seascape from the new knitty, but not sure if the alpaca is a light enough weight.

Lori said...

Love, Love, Love the gamboling pics! Thanks for taking and sharing!

That lovely yarn looks like either a lacy wrap, or a snuggly lap blankie. Something to wrap around and curl up in.


Anonymous said...

Definitely a sweater for my little boy.

Anonymous said...

I think I would make some sort of lacey cowl or scarf, with matching gloves, possibly fingerless,and maybe some sort of hat. A beret perhaps.

It will all be perfect for fall when I'm biking or walking to work. And I'm starting to get tired of that old k1,p1 scarf I made ages ago, anyway. :)

However unlikely, if I win I hope you're okay shipping to Sweden. If not I will understand, just count me out.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lovely shade of blue/grey. :) If I win, I will make something I can snuggle into.. Like a large wrap or shrug. Or maybe even a cropped cardigan or sweater of some kind. It looks too luscious not to wear close to you!

Any leftovers would probably be used for baby items, like booties. I have a friend who just had a baby, and winters get cold here in Denmark. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Fun blog. I love the pictures of the babies gamboling the best.

Baby alpaca is suuuch a luxury. With that amount I would probably make myself a capelet-style wrap (maybe with a turtleneck) just so that I could rub it all over my face, neck, and arms. :)

Anonymous said...

I would make maybe a shawl or scarf. Lovely yarn. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

It would be a lovely thing to say my first knitted thing was made from yarn from Martha's Vineyard. I am learning to knit, but not right at this moment - it's too hot. Love the color. How cute the lambs are!

Sarah said...

Oooo . . . Definitely a yummy shrug. Soft and warm and luscious.

wierkat said...

I would knit a baby sweater.


Karen said...

Lovely - baby alpaca. I would definitely make my daughter a wrap/stole/shawl for weddings etc. We had a wedding this weekend and she was chilly - and asked me to knit her something for when she was dressed up - first time she has asked for something knitted.

Mary M. said...

I would make a baby outfit for a former student's new baby. This young lady is a favorite who has undergone life's toughest challenges and makes the most of each day. She had a rare form of two strains of leukemia that twisted together, each requiring a separate treatments. She fought this, finished high school, and started college. She returned home from college because of illness, thought it was the cancer back, but it was a baby! She was told she would never be able to have a baby! This little miracle was a preemie, 3lb 2oz, who is defying odds,growing like a weed, and winning hearts of all who meet her!

Your babies are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!

You know, I've been campaigning with my husband that I'd love to find a little piece of land in the country and raise a herd of alpacas and sheep and goats! I'm using your website with such incredible photos as part of my campaign! I yearn, I yearn!

What would I do with some baby alpaca?

We just got married about 8 months ago, and I think I'd use this to knit something for our first child. Something soft and perfect for baby...I never imagined I'd be having a baby! It's my favorite color, so surely my genetic spawn will be equally enamoured?

Thanks for such a wonderful blog! Adding to my favorites immediately!

Granthammom said...

I would make a baby blanket. I'm a new knitter and have been thinking of a blankie for my husbands first grandchild due in October.

Rebekah said...

This yarn looks lovely! I think I would make some type of cardigan or shrug. Or, maybe a matching hat, scarf, gloves set. :)

Mama said...

Love the blog - and the opportunity to win yarn : )

If I were to win, I'd make a yummy shawl/scarf/wrap for my Mom.

GREAT lamby pictures!! You should publish them and sell them as note cards.

Trinity said...

Hi Susan! Thank you so much for the amazing day yesterday. I haven't had a chance to get a blog post together about it, but I will surely be posting about our time on the farm.

Now, about that yarn. I would likely knit a Dahlia or Juliet sweater out of the yarn.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. I would knit a shawl with the yarn - something to keep me warm in the winter and remind me of Martha's Vineyard.

Liz said...

Firts of all those babies are the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time!!! Second, I love everybody's names hehehe!!!

So let's see what would I knit, probably something for myself for a change, something warm & snuggly. I've already warned my DH & DS's that next winter is gong to be cold & we will NOT be running the furnace on whatever we want due to the price of oil & seeing how we live on a small island off the coast of Maine, they'd better take my advice & bundle up, cause baby it gets COLD here!

Anonymous said...

My daughter has been wanting me to knit something for her. I'd probably use it to make something warm and fuzzy for her.

Linda in Anchorage said...

Wow! Six skeins! And such a beautiful color. I could make four gift projects with that much Alpaca: a lovely cabled hat, a soft moebius cowl, a lacy scarf, and some snuggly warm fingerless gloves, each for a different sister. Yum!

Your kids and lambs are so cute - thanks for posting all those great photos!

Anonymous said...

If I won, I would knit it into a test toy since I design mostly toys. The reason I would do this is because I have several baby cousins, and with something that soft they would love the toys I'd give them.

And you don't need to enter me into the giveaway; I just wanted to say what I would do with it.:)

Unknown said...

The yarn is gorgeous as are the "kids" and the farm! Yikes, those gas prices are higher than ours. Maybe we should give you yarn!!

I would knit a lace shawl. I love knitting lace but have yet to knit something soft and yummy for myself. With this yarn, it would be for me!

lokicat said...

What lovely yarn! If I won it I'd venture into lace knitting and knit a lace shawl with it.

I loved the pictures of your animals! Such cuteness!

woolies said...

1. I ADORE the goatie and lambie pictures. LOVE THEM
2. I am JEALOUS of your antique barns. JEALOUS.
3. What would I knit? I love to knit lace, and used to do a ton of lace shawls....that is what I dream of doing. But I think I might have to knit animals with it. Little Blue Animals. :0)
thank you for such great pictures.
AWESOME!!!! I feel like I'm on the Vineyard. I wish I was....

BerlinBetty said...

Wow! Your blog is amazing! My daughter loved the pictures, she's into "seeps!"

So, I would make something for my lil monster. A little lovey blanket to cuddle with. She loves it when I make things for her, even if it's just a crappy scrap head band. She's easily pleased.

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