Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Moving Day Morning

Today is the day. We are heading over to the two farms now to get all the animals into smaller pens in anticipation of getting them into the trailer. We also have to roll up all the fences, gather all the feed troughs and water buckets and drag the shelters to the edges of the pastures.
The truck and trailer won't arrive on-Island until nearly 1 p.m. (they are coming up from NY) and we should be good to go when they get here. In my experience, getting the animals on the trailer will either go amazingly smoothly or be a complete nightmare. The last few times we've moved them were easy-peasy, so I almost feel like we're due for a hard time.
I'll post again (with pictures)  from the ferry when we're on the way. Wish me luck!


Katom Burke said...

Good luck. I'll be thinking of you and hoping all goes well!

Ellen said...

Here's wishing you a smooth move. Glad the weather's good for it, too.

Anonymous said...

i am projecting another easy load and move!

puddle duck

Nancy said...

Good Luck, and smooth sailing. Can't wait to visit the new farm.

Anonymous said...

I've always loved that photo of the few of the goats on the beach out at MV. Hope you can get a shot or two of them riding the ferry!

Take your time, and remember to breathe!

Anonymous said...

I will miss seeing your loose boys at Tisbury Meadows. Nice to have seen life there again. Hope they'll be back next spring.