I am supposed to wear my arm in sling and take massive doses of ibuprofen and then maybe- MAYBE, mind you- it will clear up in 10 days.
This stinks for three reasons:
1. I am in a surprising amount of pain.
2. We are moving 75 sheep and goats from Massachusetts to New York on Tuesday.
3. Nobody can wear a sling and look even remotely cool. And I have to give my talk-thingy on Friday!
I am so frustrated with this situation...
Susie, Do yourself a favor and see an orthopedic doctor as soon as you are able. A cortisone shot will help to start with. If not, there are other options. There is no fast cure, but I have had similar problems, both elbows, almost cost me my career..........Today, no pain at all, none for several years.
Hang in there, get through the moving of the flock, then work on your elbow......wishing you well...
Carol P.
Ouch! Unlurking here to say been there - had that - but I didn't have to worry about herding sheep and goats! I agree with Carol- get thee to an orthopedic person asap - it took me two rounds of shots and physical therapy to clear mine. I don't mean to be a downer...sorry. Try a fun scarf instead of a boring sling...Good luck - wish I could get from Chicago to help with the moving of the flock.
SUSAN! What are you doing up there? Now, I want you to stop all this nonsense, leave the deer alone, stop putting yourself on the Injured list, and just, you know, be a SHEPHERD for a while. Jeez ... it's always something with you! Snap out of it!
Oh, and in the meantime? My mother swears by Blue Stuff for all possible aches, pains, and problems--as in, she even uses it for headaches. What could it hurt??
It definitely sounds like Carol has the inside track to recovery. And surely a lovely knitted scarf could be pressed into use as a diversion. And I think Goat Wrestler's Elbow might be a great title for your talk-thingy. It would be a draw for me.
(And there are way stronger pain relievers than ibuprofen. Demand satisfaction!)
Speedy recovery.
Susan, I'm your neighbor from up the road. (We met at your yard sale at the church/shop.) Bob and I have become totally obsessed with your new venture. If there's any way I can help out with your flocking nightmare of a move please let me know! Bear in mind I will have a toddler by my side, but he loves to "help" too. bobeck@optonline.net
Sometimes....just sometimes mind you... this is nature's way of telling you to take a deep breathe, let it out S L O W L Y... take another deep breath, repeat. repeat repeat etc... the scarf sounds like a good idea, hired help sounds like a necessity, and it is ok to say that you have to stop and take a deep breath etc. A good orthopedist also sounds like a necessity to me, we are none of us invincible and taking care of the machinery is important..... do it! Pretend you are fixing a post hole digger, you wouldn't keep trying to use it if it were dull, would you? SO get your wing checked. You are allowed to take care of you.
If you want to look pretty...here's what a number of people I know have done. Buy a few pretty extra larger rectangular scarves and you can tie them as a sling. Then the sling can match whatever you want and just be a fabulous accessory.
Or even better - take the sling off for the talk-thingy. It is just there to stop you doing things with your arm, to give it a rest.
I have seen LOTS of people with this problem - never seen one in a sling before.
The physio.
Susan - I agree about seeing an orthopedist and getting a shot. Considering what you're doing this week the sooner you get a shot the better... and perhaps a stronger ibuprofen.
The sling will remind you not to overdue with the arm but like annepia said, take it off for your talk-thingy.
Good luck to you... pain is not fun and, as much as you'd like it to... it doesn't just go away by itself.
TAKE CARE of yourself...
oh that is so painful! i have it on the right side (developed from a combo of tennis and ski lift operator) Do take care of yourself as it has a habit of reoccuring when overworked...thank goodness for canadian tylenol!
um--- HELLO make a cool sling DUH--- :P
get well soon.
Me again - for some temporary relief Icy/Hot has elbow sleeve thingies that you can put on under your shirt. They aren't a long term answer but they might give you some comfort. I swear by Icy/Hot patches, they literally sometimes keep my bod together :)
Yes ice is good, and massaging the muscles in your forearm which is causing this pain also helps, eventhough it can hurt.
Injection or physio is the fastest way out of it. Good luck.
Thanks for all you suggestion everyone. As soon as we get through this move I'll go see a doctor. It's feeling better already but I still can't use it which frustrates me to no end.
Yes! It must be a shepherd thing! I am currently wearing an armband and a splint to try to clear up my "tennis elbow". I let mine go unattended for a month before seeking help. When does a home school mom and shepherd have time to go to physical therapy?! I hope you get better soon...and me too.
shepherd at VT Grand View Farm
Catching up on your blog (it's been a shockingly long time since I've visited - sorry).
It's so painful! And Tennis Elbow is a silly name. Guess who got Unicycle Elbow!
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