Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Goat Condos

These condos were made from plastic domes I bought at a local plastic manufacturing plant. They were originally intended for keeping equipment dry on Navy ships but these had some slight flaws (though I'll be damned if I can find 'em) so they put a sign out in front of the factory that read "Domes for Sale".

They sold me for of them for $60/each and I had Patrick cut the doorways.  The baby goats LOVE them. Twins Chipotle and Ancho have moved into one of them and won't let anyone else in, even though there is room for at least four kids in each one. They are really cozy and warm inside and we put down fresh hay in them each morning. 


Jean said...

Priceless! How I wish I lived close enough to visit and see all these neat things in person. I'm trying to figure out just what the condos were to begin with, since it looks as thought the doors were hand-cut rather than mass-processed.

Jenny said...

HA! Nothing is better than those little goat faces sometimes, I swear.

I'm SO GLAD you had a good party! We were sad not to be able to come.

Emily said...

In the dark those looked just like little igloos!

Susan said...

Jean, good question. I'll answer on the main post so everyone will see it.

Anonymous said...

How do you get in to give them fresh hay everyday? Do you also rake them out?

Turtle said...

lol, i have seen those used by the navy, but i like your use better!

Susan said...

mydogpetey, we don't rake them out. Piling the fresh hay onto dirty stuff actually causes the bottom layers to start to compost and creates a small amount of heat. In the Spring we'll rake it all out and throw it into the compost pile to finish breaking down and then it will get tilled into our garden.

Jeni said...

Those look awfully familiar, but they sure look better with little sheepy faces poking out!

MarieAnge said...

Great idea! And what's even nicer is you can move them out of the way to clean out under them! We used something similar to that on our farm to house the kids and yearlings through the winter. The does were in the barn for milking.


Dana S. Whitney said...

You may have solved the housing AND mortgage crises.

Anonymous said...

That's great!! They look pretty happy!!

miss ewe said...

Ha! That picture is priceless.

Heidi said...

But the real question is will the 4 goats share their condo with a shareholder?

woolies said...

That is just TOO adorable. How can I live much longer without goaties???