Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I resolve...

This is Gulliver. Gulliver is our 3-year-old long-hair chihuahua and, like a lot of small, over-bred dogs, Gulliver has some health issues. The hole in the top of his skull never closed up when he was a puppy. His tear ducts often get clogged. And he never lost any of his baby teeth, even when his grown-up teeth came in. He's kind of like a shark- he has two complete sets of teeth.

Which isn't as cool as it sounds. No matter how often I brushed Gulliver's teeth his breath was horrific and getting horrific-er all the time. Imagine the worst breath you've ever smelled. Without even knowing how bad that bad breath was, I know for a stone cold fact that Gulliver's was worse. The problem was that plaque and all kinds of ick was getting trapped between his two sets of choppers and rotting.

So today Gulliver went to vet to have his superfluous canines removed and get a though teeth cleaning. He's still a little groggy from the anesthesia but his breath smells like a summer breeze and his teeth are clean enough to eat off. 

What, you may be asking yourself, does this have to do with New Year's Resolutions? Glad you asked. 

When Gulliver- or one of the sheep or goats- has a problem, I take them to the appropriate professional and I get it taken care of. Gulliver had teeth problems, I take him to the dentist. 

I, on the other hand, haven't been to the dentist in three years, not since I lost my dental insurance in my divorce. And for three years I have been putting off going to the dentist because I don't want to want to spend the money. Do you hear me? I didn't want to spend the money ON MY TEETH!

Today, when I was writing a check for $230 for Gulliver's dental visit- which seemed perfectly reasonable, BTW- I realized that I take waaay better care of the animals than I do myself. 

What's that about?!?

So I came home and made myself a dentist appointment. And I'm dreading it. I'm gonna have to listen to a lecture about flossing and going to the dentist regularly, and it's going to be expensive, but I'm going to do it. 

My New Year's Resolution is to start treating myself at least as well as I treat my flock. There will be many, many smaller sub-resolutions, like finally getting the Diet Pepsi monkey off my back, but the that's the big, over-arching, umbrella resolution. To take better care of me.


Manise said...

Good for you! Sounds like a great resolution. I don't think your first visit will be more than Gulliver's. After the first visit it'll be much easier to go back, despite the initial lecture. :-) Been there and done that.

Jeni said...

A fabulous resolution! That's one of the reasons I'm glad I'm in the profession that I'm in. They make me take care of myself, and make it pretty easy. That first lecture may just make it easier to face the next visit, too. Good luck!

Amy said...

Preempt the guilt. You are going to the dentist for the first time in three years, that is the most important part - make sure you get them to reward you for doing the right thing. When I went for the first time in 3 years, after not having dental insurance, I played up the "Oh, look, I'm doing the right thing, I'm going to the dentist, aren't you proud of me?" and they didn't dare guilt trip me. They praised me, and I felt much better.

Ok, ok, I've put off getting a mammogram for a few years now. I'll go if you go.

Susan said...

Deal! Make your appointment, Amy.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Susan!!!! Gulliver is such a cutie.

Amy - get your mammogram - it's important!!!!

Maggie said...

Good on ya! Dental health is so important, for all critters, and I'm so happy you're going. You must have better teeth than me, as I can tell if I'm even a month past my 4 month interval.

Turtle said...

a very good resolution! i kind of can relate. we actually do have dental insurance but it sucks, really! Our medical is great but the other....well, lets say we make sure daughter makes it, but i have not been in 4 years and should go, same with hubby. It is easy to take care of others and then neglect yourself...why do we do that? smile, you made the first step with the apt!!

Dana S. Whitney said...

Attagirl! Take as good care of yourself as you would anybody (or any-critter) you care about. Doesn't have to be perfect, and even if you have some catching up to do, that doesn't give anybody the right to shame, lecture or aggravate you. There is something powerful about doing it for yourself -- even if you'd rather somebody else paid for it. I wish you... a dentist who will trade cleaning, ex-rays and fillings for fiber!!

Julie said...

I say, if they guilt you then find a different dentist. It's taken me a few tries but I have a wonderful and trustworthy one who doesn't believe in guilt.

Jenny said...

Yeah... the dentist. That's a hard one to get a hold of. I finally went three years ago, and I certainly had a list of things I needed to get done, but I felt BETTER actually having the list and being able to work through them manageable appointment by manageable appointment. You will be REALLY glad you went.

Ask about Prevident. It's a flouride-enhanced toothpaste. And seriously do floss, but use Johnson& Johnson flouride WOVEN floss. It's SO much more comfortable and better for you. I'm actually a flosser now because of it. Good for you, Susan! The dentist is a tough one.

I GOT THE BREAD BOOK FOR CHRISTMASSSS! I CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE SOME!!! that's a different comment, though...

Danielle said...

Oh, a very good resolution. And one that I think many of us share :)

Annie said...

I second the idea to not let them make you feel guilty. Pre-empt them. And if anyone starts up, ask them if they are meaning to put you off the dentist again, or trying to encourage you. I have a fabulous dentist who doesn't even bug me about flossing!! (The contacts between my teeth are so tight that I shred floss, even the gortex stuff, so I only floss if I eat pineapple, nectarine, stuff that really gets stuck)

Grandmatutu said...

Excellent . . . you won't regret getting that done and doing what you have to do to get caught up with your dental care. And the mammogram is soooo important. I should have had mine in September and didn't--I'm making an appointment today! Thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Susan! You're not alone I think a lot of us take better care of others than ourselves. Happy New Year! Jen

Unknown said...

You are for sure the best one to know what breed your dog is, but this LH chi really looks like a papillion to me. And they have genetic teeth problems. I get my pap's teeth cleaned at least once a year. He hates getting his teeth brushed - but his breath is BAAAD. One thing that works between cleanings, is a treat of a frozen raw chicken neck. They seem to help him get his teeth clean. Go figure.

woolies said...

You HAD to talk about the dentist?? Every penny I make on Etsy has been going to the dentist. One crown down, 2 to go.

I should have a special sale. Woolies for teeth.

Heidi said...

I don't think your any different than any other mother out there. It's just that your kids have four legs. We always put those who need us ahead of ourselves. If you start to get a lecture, you should pitch the CSA. Explain that you have a flock and shareholders who depend on you. What can they say? They will be honored that you choose to spend your valuable time with them.

pd said...

I just did that first-dentist-visit-in-years thing a few years ago and can attest that you wil feel so much better afterwards and it is totally worth it. It'll hurt your checkbook more than it hurts you. ;-) And I agree with Julie, it's the dentist's job to help you and if she can not do that without making you feel badly about yourself then she isn't worth your custom.

I resolve to knit more!