Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Because I am a Sharer

Puff's Plus with Vicks. Get some. No, not on your next trip to the drugstore. Now. 

When word gets out about these they will be as hard to find as a Cabbage Patch Kid in December of 1982. For the love of God- START HOARDING NOW.

 You don't have to thank me until you have a cold. I can wait.


Unknown said...

I agree... they are quite possibly the best invention to use with a cold.

My dad's cure for a cold is to rub Vick's Vaporub on your FEET and then put socks on and then go to bed. He swears you'll wake up cured.

I haven't tried it yet, but I will with my next cold!

Julie said...

I use a drop of Olbas oil on my tissues after being given some in the UK by friends. Seriously good at clearing out sinuses!


Erin said...

Thanks Susan ;)

Turtle said...

lol, i have not used them but daughter swears by them as welL!

Anonymous said...

They are amazing!

miss ewe said...

heehee. I'm a devoted fan of Kleenex with lotion, but I'll pick up a box to try for the next bug!

Cheryl in AZ said...

What is absolutely comical about this post is.... I read the title as "Because I am a shearer..."

So reading the bit about vics in tissues made absolutely no sense at all to me. You being a shearer made perfect sense.

After re-reading it the 3rd time, I finally got the gist of it, and then just started to giggle. :)

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, it was Rosie O'Donnell who mentioned she loved these tissues but gave a warning NOT to use them in a pinch if you run out of bathroom tissue! OUCH!

Anonymous said...

BTW Lindsey, my mom used to smear our chests with Vicks VaporRub and then cut an old tshirt (remember wearing tshirts underneath, ladies?) and put them on top and then wrapped us up in our jammies. Worked everytime. Your bodyheat warms up the Vicks and creates a vapor while you sleep. I still do it when I have a really bad chest cold.

Grandmatutu said...

I saw these at Walgreen's the other day. I was afraid I'd carry the Vicks smell around in my purse all day, and smell like an old lady, so passed. I might get a box to have them at home, though. I'm currently recovering from bout 3 (that's right -- 3) of this cold/coungh/sore throat/laryngitis, etc. etc., going around Dallas-and Vick's Vaporub has been my best friend. If Vicks Vaporub is good, Vicks Vaporub in a Kleenex can't be bad--right? Thanks for the heads up!