Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Book Recommendation

Okay, this one's a little...odd. My sister sent me Dark Banquet a couple of weeks ago, and it is a fascinating read, but not for the weak of stomach. It's about all kinds of animals that feed on blood- Vampire bats, bed bugs, chiggers, ticks and vampire finches. Vampire finches! It's a really fun read though, and totally worth buying for the chapter on candiru- a tiny amazon fish that swims up the penises of men who pee in the water and wrecks all kinds of nasty havoc. Makes me happy for the equipment I have, let me tell you.


misplacedpom said...

I read a review of this in the NYTimes last year and have been meaning to read it. Although at the time the review came out I was in the middle of a bed bug infestation myself so I thought I'd give myself both time and distance before I read it. I'm glad to hear it was worth the wait!

Turtle said...

hmmm, may have to pick this one up! daughter would love it as well.

Dina said...

I've heard about that amazon fish - for years it was believed to me an urban myth, I think

Dina said...

Wait - did I just see a twitter that you hate sitting on a plane doing nothing?! Huh? That's prime knitting time for me. I swear, knitting gets me through all that airport waiting and makes me safer to be around!

Jenny said...