Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Lovely Project for a Great Cause

My BFF Julie can't ever seem to have enough going on. She owns her own copywriting, blogging, social media consulting, public speaking business, is co-mama to two of the world's most precious and perfect babies, and she twitters roughly 75 million times a day. Julie is the most "get it done" person I've ever known, and when I need inspiration, or the world just seems too big, she is the first person I turn to. She's also a hell of a lot of fun to be around. 

But because she had, like, ten seconds to spare, she is putting together an eBook  to benefit people who have lost their jobs due to the crazy economy. The theme is love and she is still accepting submissions of poetry and images for inclusion in the book. 

The book will be free to download February 11th through the 14th (Valentine's Day. Love. Get it?) although donations of any size will be accepted to benefit Dress for Success for Women and Career Gear for men. I have submitted a couple of photographs of our flock and I'll be damned proud if one of them makes the cut.

I love this project. It's simple and beautiful and could really make a big difference to a whole lot of people who need something to wear to an interview. In this country, in 2009, a proper suit should not stand between a person and a decent paying job, you know?

Consider contributing your poems or images to the project and be sure and download the book when it's completed. Don't worry- I'll remind you.


Julie Roads said...

I could not LOVE you more!

Grandmatutu said...

What a great project. Good luck with this Julie . . . I suspect I'll have to check in and take a look (and support the project). I only wish I was more clever with words . . . the thoughts are there, I just can't get them on paper (dang it!).