Thursday, February 14, 2008


These two little booties in the air are the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time! Both Sage (top picture) and Chive are now drinking from their moms' on their own. I am so relieved and exhausted and proud. Proud that we stuck with the every four hour ritual of driving to the kidding barn, holding the nanny goat, getting the kid latched on and waiting while they drank, then moving on to the next pen and doing it again. Last night I was so tempted to give up and feed them with a bottle, but its nearly impossible to switch them back to their mom if they have successfully nursed on a bottle. I decided to give it one more day and by lunchtime today we realized they were drinking on their own.

Sage's leg problem has also been corrected and I was able to take the leg splints off today. We have three healthy kids now and tomorrow Sage and Chive will be coming out of their kidding pens. Thyme is so anxious to play with them; she stands in front of their pens looking wistful. The real fun of kidding begins when the babies start playing together. I promise to take lots of pics of frolicking kids for you.

The best news of all is that I am going to get a good night's sleep tonight. AND I just found out that my office is closed on Monday! So a have a loooong weekend to visit with the shareholder coming to visit and get lots of farm chores done.


Anonymous said...

They're just so darn cute . . . and hurray for those tupperware leg braces, too. Now, no go get some SLEEP!

Writer Bug said...

I love his little sweater! And I'm so proud to get a shout out in the blog. (I assume I'm the visiting shareholder you reference...) I'll email you soon to set up our visit!

Anonymous said...

Of course it's you, Writer Bug. Be sure to bring your camera. (See today's post)

Anonymous said...

You're so great. The fur-babies are so lucky to have you :)

Now as it's already been said: Go get some sleep!

Writer Bug said...

I have a great digi camera! I'll def bring it! Whoo!

Quirkles said...

Thank you for being so great at what you do! It's so rewarding to read your posts knowing that I have a small part in it! I think you should put something in the listing for the CSA about the blog, because that adds a ton of value to participating in it. Entertainment for months!